recent publications

Davis, C.H. (2024). Transmedia innovation. In De Gruyter Handbook of Media Technology and Innovation. In press.

Davis, C.H. (2024). What would Joseph Schumpeter say about innovation in the age of generative artificial intelligence? A conversation with ChatGPT-4. Journal of Innovations 2(1).

Zylinski, S., Davis, C. H., & Vladica, F. (2024). Life online during the pandemic: How university students feel about abrupt mediatization. Communications, (0).

Goldman, I., Davis, C.H., and Clark, R. (2023). Exploring subjective socio-cultural understandings of 'fear of missing out' (FoMO) and the unsettled self in a time of deep mediatization. New Media & Society, DOI: 10.1177/14614448231177966

Zylinski, S. and Davis , C.H. (2022). FoMO: Envy, Life Satisfaction and Friendship, in Mediatisation of Emotional Life, eds. K. Kopecka-Piech and M. Sobiech.  Routledge.

more research papers

Charles H. Davis, Ph.D.
Professor, RTA Media

Media Innovation Research Lab (MIRL)
The Creative School*
Toronto Metropolitan University**
Toronto, Canada

Welcome to my web page. I am a professor in Toronto Metropolitan University's RTA School of Media in The Creative School.

My research and teaching interests have to do with innovation management and policy in the creative and IT industries. I am currently working on research projects having to do with audiences, consumers, product innovation, and mediatization. Research publications are available here.

Recent graduate and undergraduate teaching includes courses on audiences, media management, new product development, political economy of media industries, media innovation, and media entrepreneurship. I teach in TMU's MA in Media Production program, and have taught in the TMU/York MA/PhD program in Communication and Culture, and in TMU's MBA/MSc in Management of Technology and Innovation program. A list of courses I have taught is here.

I have an interest in Q methodology and I maintain an online bibliography of research papers on Q methodology in audience research.

From 2004 til 2024 I held the ES Rogers Sr Research Chair in Media Management and Entrepreneurship, and from 2011 til 2021 I served as Associate Dean for Scholarly, Research, and Creative Activities in The Creative School.

You can find me in the Rogers Communications Centre (RCC 315).

Rogers Communications Centre, 80 Gould Street, Toronto, Canada, M5B 2K3.
email: c5davis :a:t:


* Formerly the Faculty of Communication & Design ** Formerly Ryerson University