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Detail from a photo showing intense chroma

Detail photo of bitter melon showing intense chroma. Photo courtesy, Alice Chu, Color For the Real World

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Alice I-fang Chu

Professor of Color and Design, Ryerson University

 M.A., Arts, Columbia University, New York City, U.S.A.
Dip. Ed., Fine Arts, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
B.F.A., Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, R.O.C.

Alice Chu is a colour designer who specializes in colour pedagogy and colour/design trend forecast. She has worked as design editor in New York City, Boston, Montreal and Toronto. She was the Chair of the Graphic Design Department, Dawson College of Montreal from 1974 to 1977, Board Director of the Canadian Society for Color from 1983 to 1987, Board Director of the Color Marketing Group International from 2000 to 2003, and has been a member of registered graphic designer of Canada since 1978. As a professor of Color and Design at Ryerson University, she was named Ryerson’s Professor of the Year in 1989 and the Popular Profs of Ryerson by the Maclean magazine in 2006. She was the recipient of the CMG International Color Link Award, and was inducted in 1977 to the Who’s Who in Canadian Women.



Chu, A.I. and Nemeth, J., 2009, Color for the Real World - Instructor's DVD, Nelson Education Ltd. Canada

Chu, A.I. and Nemeth, J., 2008, Color for the Real World - eText book, Nelson Education Ltd. Canada

Papers in Referred Journals

Chu, A. I., Are Text Books & Slides Enough to Reach a Digital Savvy Multi Cultural Generation?
The International Journal of the Book, Issue 2, Volume 4, 55-62, 2007

Papers in Referred Conference Proceedings

Chu, A. I., Teaching Colour Symbolism in a Multi-Cultural Environment, Proceeding, the 7th Pacific Fashion Colour Conference, 9-19, 2006

Chu, A. I., The Interaction of Colour & Colour Harmony, Proceeding, the 6th Pan Pacific Fashion Colour Conference, 52-59, 2005

Chu, A.I., Color & Design – Shanghai Now, ColorChips Publication, 14-17, 2003

Chu, A.I., Kyoto- Color Glimpses of Sacred Japan, ColorChips Publication, 15 -21, 2000

Chu, A.I., North Vietnam – the Next Exotic Market? ColorChips Publication, 9-15, 1999

Chu, A.I., The Color of Hong Kong, ColorChips Publication, 16-19, 1998

Conference Presentations

Chu, A.I, Are Text Books& Slides Enough to Reach a Digital Savvy Multi Cultural Generation?” The Fourth Book Conference, Boston, October, 2006

Chu, A.I., Teaching Colour Symbolism in a Multi-Cultural Environment, the 7th Pacific Fashion Colour Conference, Jaipur, India, September, 2006

Chu, A.I., The Interaction of Colour & Colour Harmony, the 6th Pan Pacific Color Conference, Shanghai, China, September 2005

Chu, A.I., Designed and presented at the Color Marketing Group Conference Color Theory  and Careers in Color modules to the education Community at Color Marketing Group’s 2004 Conference in Toronto.

Chu, A.I., The Similarities between the 60’s Colours/Styles and Today’s Trends in Fashion and Interior Design Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, April 2004

Chu, A.I., Shanghai Now, Color Marketing Group Conference, Florida, April 2003

Chu, A.I., Visual Inspiration for Fashion Color Forecasting, Color Marketing Group Conference, New York City, March 2002

Chu, A.I., Kyoto – Color Glimpses of Sacred Japan, Color Marketing Group Conference, Orlando, 2001

Chu, A.I., Fashion Color Palettes from North America – 2003, the 2nd Pan Pacific Fashion Color Conference, Hong Kong, July 2001

Chu, A.I., Beyond the Millennium – Fashion Color Palettes, the First Pan Pacific Fashion Color Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2000

Chu, A.I., North Vietnam – the Next Exotic Market? Color Marketing Group’s Conference, Palm Springs, 1999

Chu, A.I., The Color of Hong Kong, Color Marketing Group’s Conference, San Francisco, 1997

Juried Exhibitions

Chaos and Upon Closer Examination exhibited at the Janus Project Show at Ryerson University. 2006

Three Awards since 1993 were received in the juried shows of Toronto Watercolour Society. They were Earth God in the architecture, Yellow Peppers in the still life and Peony in the floral category.

Professional Associations

Color Marketing Group International, professional member since 1990
Appointed as the CMG’s official delegate to the Inter-Society Color Council of USA since 2000
Fashion Group International, professional member since 1983
Inter-Society Color Council of USA, professional member since 1981
Society of Graphic Designer of Canada, registered professional member since 1979
Toronto Watercolour Society, professional member since 1992