Example: Three rehabilitation methods are being compared.  The goal is to reduce time off work due to (similar) injuries.  Physiotherapy vs chiropractic vs non-steroidal drugs:

Cannot use t-tests three times (danger of 3 x repeating the error of claiming stat sig when not valid)

  Between groups SS:


  Tph2   +   Tch2    +   Tns2   -   T2

    Nph       Nch          Nns        N


 = 3172  +  4102  +  3632     - 1092

     5           5          5           15


 =     864.933


Now divide each SS by the df to obtain MS:

And then with MS(betw)/MS(within), you have the F ratio...

At this stage, don't worry too much about the correct alternative hypothesis. 

Just describe the result in terms of the original data.  (See conclusion above)