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In the following examples, identify the independent variable(s), the dependent variable(s), whether they are categorical or continuous, and the method of analysis: t-test for paired data, t-test for unpaired data, or 1-way ANOVA.

Example 1:  Indep var: test kit (old/new); Dep var: Chlorine residual.

 Note that for EACH pool there are TWO different tests made. 

This means that at the end of the data collection, there will be a pair of

samples for each pool.  The measurement for the old test done on pool #1

must naturally go with the measurement for the New test done on the same

pool.  The data are therefore PAIRED and the basis of pairing is the pool. 

Example 2:  .Indep var: training (yes/no); Dep var: marks.

There are simply 50 students in one group and 50 in the

other with no relationship between the first ones of either groups. 

These are UNpaired data

Example 3:  Indep var: treatment method (A or B); Dep var: bact result.

There are 2 treatment processes. But there is no natural

link or connection between the top listed sample from A and the top

listed sample from B.  They are simply two groups of UNpaired data.

Example 4: Indep var: filter (ac/ch); Dep var: water quality parameter.

In this instance, two filters are used for each source of water, meaning

that the results are paired on each water source

Example 5: Indep var: type of protec (A or B); Dep var: sound reduction.

Note the two measured results for each work area.  The data

are PAIRED on the work area.


Example 6:  Indep var: with or without system;  Dep var: metal fume measure

Ten with and ten without.  UNpaired data


Example 7:  Indep var: before/after;  Dep var: metal fume reduction.

The Same ten machines are measured before and after. 

Thus each machine yields TWO measures, and the data are

considered paired on that basis.