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Solution in 27 "B"

 Ho1  :  no difference between filters in terms of dust particles/cm³ (y = z)

    Ho2  :   no difference between humidity in terms of dust particles/cm³  (1 = 2)

    Ho3 : no interaction between these main effects in terms of dust particles/cm³

 source of    sum of     degrees of      mean      F ratio        P

 variation    squares     freedom        square                       

 ~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~

 all groups     134.00             3       

 filters            25.00             1           25.00        15.79      <0.01        

 humidity         9.00             1             9.00          5.85      <0.05 

 FxH  inter     100.00            1          100.00          63.17    <0.01

 residual          19.00          12             1.583       

 Total            153.00          15   


 Interaction F ratio =  MS(inter)÷ MS(resid)  = 63.17     

                                      F(0.01, 1,12df) >9.33    .... reject Ho      


 Filters F ratio =  MS(filters)÷ MS(resid)  = 15.79     

                                      F(0.01, 1,12df) >9.33      .... reject Ho  


 Humidity F ratio =  MS(humid)÷ MS(resid)  = 5.85     

                                      F(0.05, 2,54df) >4.75       .... reject Ho  



-                       49



-   35








-   45





-                     19






-                      45


-   35







-   49






-                      19




    hi      hum     lo

         Y   FILTER

    hi      hum     lo

         Z   FILTER


     Y      filter     Z

         Hi HUMIDITY

    Y     filter     Z

        Lo HUMIDITY


 Interaction.    Interaction was observed (stat.sig at 0.01), so the effect of each main variable will be reported

   separately within each level of the other variable.   F: 63.17, 1,12 df.  P<0.01  


 Filters.  The two filters produced results that were different.  In High humidity conditions the Z filter captured more  dust particles/cm³ (mean: 45) than the Y filter (mean: 35).  Under Low humidity conditions, the effect is rever sed, with the Y filter more effective (mean: 49) than the Z filter (mean 19).  Although the overall "filter effect" is statistically significant ( F: 15.79, 1,12 df. P<0.01), the statement is not reliable due to the interaction present.


 Humidity.  Humidity effected the filter performance considerably.  Low humidity produced a better result (mean 49) than the High humidity (mean: 35) when the Y filter was used.  But high humidity produced a better result (mean 45) than low humidity (mean 19), when the Z filter was used.  Although the overall "humidity effect" statistically significant (F: 5.85, 1,12 df. P<0.05) the statement may not be reliable because of the interaction present.


 In summary,  the Z filter is preferred for high humidity conditions, while the Y filter is preferred for low humidity conditions.