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Supplemental question #80

The null Hypothesis is that the three methods produce similar scores.

source of


Sum of Squares degrees of freedom mean squares F ratio P value  
between gr 1.444 2 0.7220 3.190 >0.05  
within gr 2.716 12 0.2263      
total 4.160 14        


      F(0.05)(2,12 df)= 3.89         Therefore cannot reject Ho


(Note that the actual probability calculated by a computer was P=0.077.   This agrees completely with the simplified finding shown above)

This could be summarized as follows:  There was a difference in pH readings between the three methods but the difference was not statistically significant. Method 1 was the lowest with a mean pH of 2.48, method 2 had a mean pH of 2.7 and the highest pH was from method 3, at 3.22.    Given the number and variance in each group, these differences could have been expected more than 5% of the time by chance alone.   The null hypothesis cannot be rejected.   (It is worth noting that the calculated F ratio was fairly close the critical F ratio needed for significance; perhaps with a larger sample size, the results would have been more definitive.)

   F= 3.190, 2,12 df,  P>0.05