hypothesis: "no difference in days needed for recovery between the two treatment
Two groups: heat N=6, mean = 10.333, SD= 3.445
elec N=7, mean= 11.714 SD= 3.684
calculated t
= 1.381/1.979 = 0.698
Compare with t(0.05)(11df) =
Thus calc t does not meet critical t. Null H cannot be rejected. There was
a slight difference (heat was marginally better) in days to recovery between the two
methods but this difference was not statistically significant. The probability of
seeing a difference of this magnitude on the basis of chance alone is
more than 5%
mean (heat): 10.33 days; mean (elec):
11.71 days t: 0.698, 11 df, P > 0.05