Clan McMicking Home Page

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Click here to view the emboidered "Res Non Verba" Clan Crest

Branches of the Clan:



Variants of McMicking:

MacMicking, MacMeeken, MacMeekan, MacMeekin, McMeekin, MacMeikan, MacMeickan, MacMeeking, MacMeckan, MacMichan, Mac Mickan, MacMicken, MacMichin, MacMikan, MacMiken , MacMikin, MacMychen, MacMeecham, MacMeechan, MakMakin, M'Maykin, MacMehin, M'Maycan, Makmakyn, Makmechum, McMychin, Makmechane, Makmakin, M'Meikin, McMiken, McMakin, McMeikin, McKmacken, McKmaken, McMecan, McMeckan, McMeikine, McMeikeine, McMeken, McMichan, McMickan, McMicken, McMickin, McMiken, Mamiken.

Gaelic: MacMiadhachain.

Clan History: It appears likely that the clans origins were as Dalriada Scots from Ireland at some time prior to 800. If the Miadhachain connection is correct, Clan Miadhachain originates in County Clare, Ireland. It is possible that the clan split with those who emigrated to Scotland taking the surname MacMiadhachain while those who remained in Ireland took the surname O'Miadhachain.

Earliest Recorded Ancestor: Mahun.

Mahun accompanied Alpin from Kintyre on his invasion of Galloway, more precisely to Carrick in South Ayrshire in AD 836". Mahun's immediate descendants remained near Girvan on the Scottish coast directly opposite the granite isle of Ailsa Craig until the time of Mahun Rusid/Rusid MacMahun. At this time there is no known record of generations 2-8 inclusive. Alpin was the father of Kenneth MacAlpin, first King of the united Scotland who presided over the merger of the early Scottish Kingdoms of Dalriada and Alba. This early history is contained in the book "Ayreshire, Its history and historic families, Volume I, page 112 by William Robertson. This book was published by Irvine 1823-25 so is long out of print.

McMicking and other variants- the first 25 generations
Generation Name Born Died Biographical Information
1 Mahun "Accompanied Alpin of Kintyre on his invasion of Galloway"
9 Rusid Mahun or Mahun Rusid or Rusid MacMahun circa 1200 was 9th in descent from Mahun. He fought a battle on the south bank of the Girvan where Ardmillan house now stands, against raiders from Kintyre. He crossed Loch Ryan and established himself in Kirkcolm in the northern Rhinns of Galloway. Here he and most of his followers were killed. The Robertson book on Ayreshire above documents this history.
10 Gildroth MacMahun Killed in Kirkcolm in The Rhinns of Galloway around 1200. He had fled the ground at Loch Ryan and took possession of Ardmillan. Forced to flee inland, he crossed the river Duish and settled at Killantringan
11 Angus MacMahun
12 Uchtred MacMahun A fugitive at Kirkcolm, some of his name fled to Ireland. The descendants of others were still at Kirkcolm in 1843. Reference here the Robertson Ayreshire book cited above.
13 Gilbert MacMahun
14 Gilbert MacMahun
15 Uchtred MacMahun
16 Gilbert MacMahun
17 Gilbert MacMahun

of Killantringan

"Married Agnes MacDonald (1380), daughter of John, and grand-daughter of Angus Oig, Lord of the Isles. This John was the founder of the MacDonald family known as the MacDonalds of Glencoe, the descendants of whom were the victims of the "Massacre of Glencoe". Reference Bartholm of Galloway gives Auchtred Mahun of Killantringan in the parish of Kirkcolm. Also The MacDonalds trace their descent back to Sommerled MacFergus MacErc, first Lord of The Isles, and a descendant of all of the kings of Ireland.
18 John MacMichan

of Killantringan

Sent 2000 men to fight for the independant sovereignty of his cousin Alexander, Lord of the Isles, against James I of Scotland, rebellion failed. Reference "The History of Scotland by John Hill Burton."
19 John MacMichan

of Killantringan

"Appears to have commanded a rebellion in 1427. Imprisoned by James I of Scotland at Inverness. He is thought to have been executed. At the time of the rebellion, MacMichan appears too have been very powerful and to have owned a great extent of land. In his absence, much of his property was confiscated, chiefly by the Kennedys. Reference "The History of Scotland by James Hill Burton".
20 John MacMichan

of Killantringan

"Born of, succeeded in 1459 to much reduced estates but still retained Killantringan. Died in Prison. Reference "History of the Highlands, by James Brown, page 402."
21 Gilbert MacMichan

of Killantringan

Married Annabell Kennedy. From one of his sons, the MacMichans of Meikleforthead and Corbiton are descended. Reference "Celtic Scotland" Volume 2, page 296 by Skene.
22 Sir John McMichan

of Killantringan

1503 "Sold his estates to fight in France. Reference: Expedition known in "History of the Rebellion" in 1527."
23 Gilbert MacMichan


"Fought in France.

Returned home 1530-5"

24 Gilbert MacMachan 1560 "regained Killantringan by marrying Isabel Hamilton, Heiress of the estate. Died 1560.
25 Sir Gilbert MacMicken

of Killantringan



"married a Kennedy. Died 1610 (Barony a descendant of Sir James Kennedy who married a descendant of Robert III.She was thus a descendant of Robert Bruce and all the early kings of Scotland.

The Annan Tartan which is related to Robert the Bruce, Lord of Annandale. Robert the Bruce is a direct McMicking ancestor.
The Carrick Tartan may be the appropriate tartan for McMickings to wear.