Dr. Mehdi Kargar

TRS 2-026 · 55 Dundas St W, Toronto · +1 (416) 979-5000 x 557671 · kargar@torontomu.ca

I am an Associate Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management at Toronto Metropolitan University and an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo. Prior to this, I was an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor.

Academic Positions

Associate Professor

Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University
January 2023 - present

Adjunct Professor

Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo
December 2017 - present

Assistant Professor

Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University
July 2018 - December 2022

Assistant Professor

School of Computer Science, University of Windsor
July 2016 - June 2018

Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dapasoft Inc. (Microsoft Gold Certified Partner)
York University
April 2014 - March 2016


York University

Toronto, Canada

Ph.D. in Computer Science

September 2009 - August 2013

Sharif University of Technology

Tehran, Iran

M.Sc. in Software Engineering

September 2006 - October 2008

Sharif University of Technology

Tehran, Iran

B.Sc. in Software Engineering

September 2001 - August 2006

Research Interests

My primary research interest is in Data Management. Specific interests include:

  • Keyword Search over Structured Enterprise Data
  • Team Formation in Social and Expert Networks
  • Discovery of Order Dependencies for Data Profiling


I am fortunate to collaborate with several bright researchers. Past and current collaborators are listed here alphabetically:

  • Aijun An (York University)
  • Ebrahim Bagheri (Toronto Metropolitan University)
  • Heidar Davoudi (Ontario Tech University)
  • Hossein Fani (University of Windsor)
  • Parke Godfrey (York University)
  • Lukasz Golab (University of Waterloo)
  • Ziad Kobti (University of Windsor)
  • Zhibin Lin (Durham University Business School)
  • Piotr Mierzejewski (IBM Canada)
  • Pooya Moradian Zadeh (University of Windsor)
  • Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Lab-Research)
  • Jaroslaw Szlichta (York University)
  • Xiaohui Yu (York University)
  • Morteza Zihayat (Toronto Metropolitan University)
  • Hossein Zolfagharinia (Toronto Metropolitan University)

Industrial Partners

I work with several industrial partners. Past and current industrial partners are listed here:

  • SeshatLabs Inc.
  • SixRoofs Inc.
  • TTC (Toronto Transit Commission)
  • BuyProperly Inc.
  • IBM Canada
  • Dapasoft Inc.
  • NexJ Inc.


Visit my Google Scholar Profile for an up-to-date list of publications..